MicroPoll s.r.o.
The spin-off company MicroPoll s.r.o. is focused on the implementation of standard analyses of basic parameters (organic, inorganic, and microbial pollution) of various types of water (drinking, surface, underground, wastewater), soils, and air. In addition, it also carries out chemical analyses focused on the occurrence of micro and nanoplastics, micropollutants (drugs, pharmaceuticals, hormones, biomarkers, pesticides and metabolites, and decomposition products of these substances), and, from a biological point of view, the occurrence of pathogens (selected types of bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and molds), genes of resistance and DNA and RNA fragment analysis. This also includes the design of new/innovative environmental procedures that can be used in the disposal of various types of environmental burdens, the purification of various types of water and the removal of specific types of contamination (disinfection procedures that can be used as a substitute for chlorinated agents in the disposal of chemical pollution and pathogens). The company’s activity involves the realization and development of new types of SMART micro and biosensors that can be used in the diagnosis of diseases and in the analysis of pollutants and military agents, or new types of detectors aimed at the analysis of water, soil and air pollution. The research part of the company also carries out research in the field of development of new types of materials (e.g. , micro and nanofibers usable as e-textiles (sensors in the form of textiles and products made from them) or for the production of self-cleaning materials and suits intended especially for security forces and athletes.

MicroPoll s. r. o.
Vazovova 5,
812 43 Bratislava 1,
Slovak Republic
IČO: 55152899
DIČ: 2121937037